53 research outputs found

    Investigating SRAM PUFs in large CPUs and GPUs

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    Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) provide data that can be used for cryptographic purposes: on the one hand randomness for the initialization of random-number generators; on the other hand individual fingerprints for unique identification of specific hardware components. However, today's off-the-shelf personal computers advertise randomness and individual fingerprints only in the form of additional or dedicated hardware. This paper introduces a new set of tools to investigate whether intrinsic PUFs can be found in PC components that are not advertised as containing PUFs. In particular, this paper investigates AMD64 CPU registers as potential PUF sources in the operating-system kernel, the bootloader, and the system BIOS; investigates the CPU cache in the early boot stages; and investigates shared memory on Nvidia GPUs. This investigation found non-random non-fingerprinting behavior in several components but revealed usable PUFs in Nvidia GPUs.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Code in appendi

    Quotable Signatures for Authenticating Shared Quotes

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    Quotable signature schemes are digital signature schemes with the additional property that from the signature for a message, any party can extract signatures for (allowable) quotes from the message, without knowing the secret key or interacting with the signer of the original message. Crucially, the extracted signatures are still signed with the original secret key. We define a notion of security for quotable signature schemes and construct a concrete example of a quotable signature scheme, using Merkle trees and classical digital signature schemes. The scheme is shown to be secure, with respect to the aforementioned notion of security. Additionally, we prove bounds on the complexity of the constructed scheme and provide algorithms for signing, quoting, and verifying. Finally, concrete use cases of quotable signatures are considered, using them to combat misinformation by bolstering authentic content on social media. We consider both how quotable signatures can be used, and why using them could help mitigate the effects of fake news.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Streaming SPHINCS+ for Embedded Devices using the Example of TPMs

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    We present an implementation of the hash-based post-quantum signature scheme SPHINCS+ that enables heavily memory-restricted devices to sign messages by streaming-out a signature during its computation and to verify messages by streaming-in a signature. We demonstrate our implementation in the context of Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) by proposing a SPHINCS+ integration and a streaming extension for the TPM specification. We evaluate the overhead of our signature-streaming approach for a stand-alone SPHINCS+ implementation and for its integration in a proof-of-concept TPM with the proposed streaming extension running on an ARM Cortex-M4 platform. Our streaming interface greatly reduces the memory requirements without introducing a significant performance penalty. This is achieved not only by removing the need to store an entire signature but also by reducing the stack requirements of the key generation, sign, and verify operations. Therefore, our streaming interface enables small embedded devices that do not have sufficient memory to store an entire SPHINCS+ signature or that previously were only able to use a parameter set that results in smaller signatures to sign and verify messages using all SPHINCS+ variants

    Mixed Certificate Chains for the Transition to Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3

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    Large-scale quantum computers will be able to efficiently solve the underlying mathematical problems of widely deployed public key cryptosystems in the near future. This threat has sparked increased interest in the field of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and standardization bodies like NIST, IETF, and ETSI are in the process of standardizing PQC schemes as a new generation of cryptography. This raises the question of how to ensure a fast, reliable, and secure transition to upcoming PQC standards in today’s highly interconnected world. In this work, we propose and investigate a migration strategy towards post-quantum (PQ) authentication for the network protocol Transport Layer Security (TLS). Our strategy is based on the concept of “mixed certificate chains” which use different signature algorithms within the same certificate chain. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our migration strategy we combine the well-studied and trusted hash-based signature schemes SPHINCS+ and XMSS with elliptic curve cryptography first and subsequently with lattice-based PQC signature schemes (CRYSTALS-Dilithium and Falcon). Furthermore, we combine authentication based on mixed certificate chains with the lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) CRYSTALS-Kyber as representative for PQC KEMs to evaluate a fully post-quantum and mutually authenticated TLS 1.3 handshake. Our results show that mixed certificate chains containing hash-based signature schemes only at the root certificate authority level lead to feasible connection establishment times despite the increase in communication size. By analyzing code size and peak memory usage of our client and server programs we further demonstrate the suitability of our migration strategy even for embedded devices

    Dual EC: A Standardized Back Door

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    Abstract. Dual EC is an algorithm to compute pseudorandom num-bers starting from some random input. Dual EC was standardized by NIST, ANSI, and ISO among other algorithms to generate pseudoran-dom numbers. For a long time this algorithm was considered suspicious – the entity designing the algorithm could have easily chosen the param-eters in such a way that it can predict all outputs – and on top of that it is much slower than the alternatives and the numbers it provides are more biased, i.e., not random. The Snowden revelations, and in particular reports on Project Bullrun and the SIGINT Enabling Project, have indicated that Dual EC was part of a systematic effort by NSA to subvert standards. This paper traces the history of Dual EC including some suspicious changes to the standard, explains how the back door works in real-life applications, and explores the standardization and patent ecosystem in which the standardized back door stayed under the radar

    Post-Quantum TLS on Embedded Systems

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    We present our integration of post-quantum cryptography (PQC), more specifically of the post-quantum KEM scheme Kyber for key establishment and the post-quantum signature scheme SPHINCS+^+, into the embedded TLS library mbed TLS. We measure the performance of these post-quantum primitives on four different embedded platforms with three different ARM processors and an Xtensa LX6 processor. Furthermore, we compare the performance of our experimental PQC cipher suite to a classical TLS variant using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Post-quantum key establishment and signature schemes have been either integrated into TLS or ported to embedded devices before. However, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to combine TLS, post-quantum schemes, and embedded systems and to measure and evaluate the performance of post-quantum TLS on embedded platforms. Our results show that post-quantum key establishment with Kyber performs well in TLS on embedded devices compared to ECC variants. The use of SPHINCS+^+ signatures comes with certain challenges in terms of signature size and signing time, which mainly affects the use of embedded systems as PQC-TLS server but does not necessarily prevent embedded systems to act as PQC-TLS clients

    Bad directions in cryptographic hash functions

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    A 25-gigabyte point obfuscation challenge using security parameter 60 was announced at the Crypto 2015 rump session; point obfuscation is another name for password hashing. This paper shows that the particular matrix-multiplication hash function used in the challenge is much less secure than previous password-hashing functions are believed to be. This paper\u27s attack algorithm broke the challenge in just 19 minutes using a cluster of 21 PCs

    ECC2K-130 on Cell CPUs

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    This paper describes an implementation of Pollard's rho algorithm to compute the elliptic curve discrete logarithm for the Synergistic Processor Elements of the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture. Our implementation targets the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem defined in the Certicom ECC2K-130 challenge. We compare a bitsliced implementation to a non-bitsliced implementation and describe several optimization techniques for both approaches. In particular, we address the question whether normal-basis or polynomial-basis representation of field elements leads to better performance. We show that using our software the ECC2K-130 challenge can be solved in one year using the Synergistic Processor Units of less than 2700 Sony Playstation 3 gaming consoles

    Solving Quadratic Equations with XL on Parallel Architectures - extended version

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    Solving a system of multivariate quadratic equations (MQ) is an NP-complete problem whose complexity estimates are relevant to many cryptographic scenarios. In some cases it is required in the best known attack; sometimes it is a generic attack (such as for the multivariate PKCs), and sometimes it determines a provable level of security (such as for the QUAD stream ciphers). Under reasonable assumptions, the best way to solve generic MQ systems is the XL algorithm implemented with a sparse matrix solver such as Wiedemann\u27s algorithm. Knowing how much time an implementation of this attack requires gives us a good idea of how future cryptosystems related to MQ can be broken, similar to how implementations of the General Number Field Sieve that factors smaller RSA numbers give us more insight into the security of actual RSA-based cryptosystems. This paper describes such an implementation of XL using the block Wiedemann algorithm. In 5 days we are able to solve a system with 32 variables and 64 equations over F16\mathbb{F}_{16} (a computation of about 260.32^{60.3} bit operations) on a small cluster of 8 nodes, with 8 CPU cores and 36 GB of RAM in each node. We do not expect system solvers of the F4_4/F5_5 family to accomplish this due to their much higher memory demand. Our software also offers implementations for F2\mathbb{F}_{2} and F31\mathbb{F}_{31} and can be easily adapted to other small fields. More importantly, it scales nicely for small clusters, NUMA machines, and a combination of both

    QuantumCharge: Post-Quantum Cryptography for Electric Vehicle Charging

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    ISO 15118 enables charging and billing of Electric Vehicles (EVs) without user interaction by using locally installed cryptographic credentials that must be secure over the long lifetime of vehicles. In the dawn of quantum computers, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) needs to be integrated into the EV charging infrastructure. In this paper, we propose QuantumCharge, a PQC extension for ISO 15118, which includes concepts for migration, crypto-agility, verifiable security, and the use of PQC-enabled hardware security modules. Our prototypical implementation and the practical evaluation demonstrate the feasibility, and our formal analysis shows the security of QuantumCharge, which thus paves the way for secure EV charging infrastructures of the future
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